Case study: A New York firm and their refined CGI services
Nov 29, 2021
The story
The client is a real estate photography company headquartered in Pennsylvania, operating in New York and New Jersey. They started offering CGI services in May 2020 and the communication and workflows with their ex-provider were not without frictions.
Their clients (now referred to as customers, their customers or end users) were not all happy with the quality of renders, some left after their first project.
The workflow was based on email communications and sometimes corrections requests went unnoticed or mishandled. The client was looking for other 3d visualization companies and approached us in December 2020 for more streamlined workflow and higher quality output.
Esoft worked closely with the client to understand their customers’ preference, satisfaction score and the standard operation procedures with their ex-provider. Esoft then helped redesign their architectural visualization services, which resulted in a significant increased in their customer satisfaction.

The Client’s Objectives
Higher customer satisfaction related to CGI services (measured in NPS).
Lower average correction rate for rendering projects.
More effective communication and leaner ordering and rendering review workflow.
The approach
better CGI services equal easier communication and less correction
Esoft devise a plan towards reducing the communication frictions, minimizing correction requests and delivering the visual quality that collectively improve end users’ satisfaction.
Esoft first assigned the client with a 3D Quality Assurance Expert to work on client quality preference and benchmark. Esoft also introduced a content review platform that enables the client and their customers to directly give feedback, annotate the render images via drawing and visual tools rather than writing emails and sending screenshots.
The correction workflow was changed to allow only 03 free changing requests but with double approvals, meaning both the client and their customers must approve the requests for the changes to be made. Previously, the clients’ ex-providers allowed 6 free correction requests, assumably leading to change requests being not thought through.
Esoft also worked with the client’s product and marketing team to design a checklist that retrained their customers to provide a wider and more precise range of input requirements and output preferences. That way, the artist brief (project brief to 3D artists) were made concise minimize the amount of potential corrections.

The impacts
After 9 months of working with Esoft, the client reported improvements in their customer satisfaction and correction rate. Together, Esoft and the client delivered tangible results beyond their expectations and established a competitive offering that far surpassed the CGI services.
The clients’s annual NPS for CGI services increased to 58 (September 2021) from 51 (September 2020)
The average correction rate in 34 projects with Esoft (measured by percentage of corrected renders over the total renders) stood at 51%, compared to 81% before coming onboard
CGI service retention rate (measured by the number of customers returning after the first project) increased by 20%.
Featured service: CGI Rendering